☆ a polar bear's website

new site again; the long & confusing history of my neocities site

so, today officially marks the opening of the “nuuk” version of my site. many of you may be wondering reading this post’s title…

geez, i’m pretty fucking curious about this site now. what is it’s history?

chapter 1: beginnings (2019-2021)

this site would not be concieved until MUCH later. however, i discovered neocities in 2019 after trying to find somewhere to learn html. not sure why i chose this site specifically, but whatever. i completely forget the name of my old site. however, it had very basic css and html usage. eventually i would develop a better version of the site in 2021, then i forgot the username and password. i felt too tired to actually get my old site, and as so, i had officially decided to just make another account.

chapter 2: the matsuri era (2021-2022)

the first version of this site was known as matsuri, in which i made the first version, which i like to call “bloom” for it’s background. i had used a modified version of the “jimmy’s site” framework made by templaterr. i made it while i was extremely sick with covid. i had made the site not only to continue where i left off; but to also challenge myself to learn more than i had known. at this point, i began to learn css a lot more, learning basic styling and other stuff. it was released on september 28th, 2021. bloom (credits: scott) a screenshot of the site.

the other version of matsuri was what i like to call “basicblue” for it’s blue background and more basic look. it was barely developed, and was to me a huge downgrade from the other. it released in october 2021. basicblue the only capture of the website i have.

after this, i decided to take a break, and essentially wipe the website. i did not log on for around a year. i gave up on html, and began to use carrd. i know it was very low for me to just give up and use carrd, but at that time i was fairly depressed and had a bunch of shit going on. that was until i decided to give html a try again.

chapter 3: the comeback era (2022-2023)

after a lot of decisions, i decided to give html another try, with a version of the site i’ll call yakutsk. i had then made what would eventually be the eventual basic framework for iqaluit. i made a simple website with not much to offer. it was just eh, however i did get way better than i was when i stopped learning html. i was finally picking up again, doing better than i was! i decided eventually it was time to give the site a makeover; and so i did. i also made the first blog post!

chapter 4: iqaluit (2023)

i decided i would import a lot of what existed in yakutsk, and renovate it for an easier and straightforward experience. i would use another font for my “branding,” and just try and make the site more modern. nothing much to say other than a few blog posts.

chapter 5: now

i plan on doing more with this website eventually, like adding easy html importing for less tacky html files. however, i’m really proud of myself for completing this in just a full day. doro out!

#History #2019 #2023