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mlm & why i'm not fond of it

okay, so if you aren’t well aware already, i am your average communist on the internet. a particular recent group i’ve had to participate with mainly are maoists, which are anti-revisionistic to the marxist-leninist cause and takes the works of mao & gonzalo to heart. however, there are a few issues i’ve noticed over the past few months interacting with maoists that i’d like to address.

concerning revisionism

the first thing that i do notice with maoists is their particular disdain for the support of actually existing socialist (aes) countries. although i’m not particularly happy of revisionism, (i.e. titoism) i do still support them because they still do have socialist tendencies within them. however, over the past few months, i have noticed a particularly hostile environment that maoists do create. let’s take for example the former marxist-leninist-maoist group the “austin red guard”. these kinds of groups actively attempted to counter dsa and psl protests, and generally have created an environment which makes it feel unsafe for leftists participating within the psl or dsa. and all that because you consider them “revisionist”? i feel thats pretty ridiculous.

praise of gonzalo

another thing i have particularly noticed with maoists is their particular praise for abimael guzmán, also known as chairman gonzalo, the founder of the commonly named “shining path” and the synthesizer of the entirety of marxism-leninism-maoism. i always am wondering, however, their approval for the lucanamarca massacre, led by the shining path. typically, the response to the event is that “it is all lies” or that “it was justifiable for collaborating with police.” however, i’d like to present a question to you. if you were held at gunpoint and told that you would die unless you told them where the shining path is, would you?

also, i would like to say that guzmán’s response to the situation was absolutely outrageous. like, how could you just go “it’s justified” just like that?


to conclude, i think that maoists need a particular lesson on reality of things and their particular approvals of specific individuals. i think that they are trying to do something, however as of current they are acting incredibly aggressive and realistically, that will honestly not get them anywhere at all.

#Maoism #Revisionism #Critique #Observation