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in defense of alonso: my thoughts

note: this is not relevant anymore.

i wasn’t even remotely away of this entire situation until very recently. or more of, the controversies that had arose from it. i had known about alonso’s detransition since he had direct messaged me about the situation since i came home from maryland. why am i talking about drama in a community that i barely participate in anymore because most of the members in it are arrogant to me and will poke fun of me for my stupid actions while i was active in the community? why thank you for asking!

because i am trans and i see this drama as incredibly blown out of proportion. i have more say in this than cisgender people, after all.

in this document i will provide some defense for alonso. keep in mind that while i’m not really fond of alonso’s past actions nor some of his thoughts, i think they still have a right for defense. let’s move to the first argument!

he clearly was faking being trans!

okay, i get where people get this from, but i would not really call it faking. exploration of gender is a VERY common thing for people to do during puberty, and even i at a point backed away. i used to think i was transfeminine, however eventually my thoughts changed because i wasn’t sure of my identity, so for that time i decided to consider myself a demiboy until i figured it out, which i did eventually. puberty is about seeing who you want to be.

this is an example of why we mess with alonso. he is just dumb!

(i get how shitty that quote is but i literally did not know what else to put there)

considering how far you all will seem to go for alonso’s discomfort in the past, i’m not really fond about it. i’ll admit it, alonso found the internet at an incredibly young age, and he shouldn’t have. but a problem i see with the old roblox community is how people will go all out to remind people of their past actions or dumb things they have done. when i participated in most orc revivals, people would talk about specific incidents which i will not talk about. if you all would just stop being assrags to people for making mistakes, i think i would rejoin the community again.

final thoughts

i just really think that this entire situation is an example of how defense can sometimes be very subjective. keep in mind that these are my thoughts, and that some trans people of course may have very different thoughts about this situation. doro out.

#Essay #Drama #Opinion